*Student is required to attend, participate and pass all required classes and in car sessions.
The student must attend the 1st class in the session. Easy Method Driving School does not recommend missing classes. If the student misses the 1st class in the session the student will not be able to continue in that session additional fees will apply. If a student misses more than 4 classes in the original session they signed up for they will have to start the 30 hours of classroom instruction over, additional fees will apply. If a student does not give 3 business days notice in writing before the start of the class to withdraw from a class, a fee of $99.95 will apply.
Easy Method Driving School reserves the right to change scheduled class dates and Behind the Wheel lessons if it is necessary to do so.
*Students that miss a class cannot take the final exam until that class is made up. Easy Method Driving School will give make up dates when the classroom records are received in the office at the end of the 10 day session the student was originally attending.
* Students must have a valid learners permit to do the behind the wheel lessons. The 6 hours of behind the wheel lessons are scheduled after all the classroom is completed and the student passes the final exam. If a student cancels a behind the wheel appointment with less than 2 business days notice, all future appointments will be cancelled until a cancellation fee of $50.00 is paid.
*All fees are to be paid prior to the start of the classroom.
Student will not be considered registered for a course until payment is received.
*If course is not completed within 12 months, the student will be assessed an additional fee of $30.00 per month for each past due month.
*A $50.00 fee will be charged for redeposit checks; $50.00 fee for returned checks.
*Though Easy Method Driving School tries not to change class or driving times, there are times when it is necessary to
do so. Therefore, EMDS reserves the right to change the scheduled dates of classes without notice. (includes in car sessions.)
*Refunds: Easy Method Driving School will issue a full refund if the request by email, 3 business days prior to the start of the program. If less than 3 business days a $99.95 fee will apply.